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Good Time使用方法,Time


3.Goodluck is when an opportunity comes along and you're prepared for it. 好运就是当机会来临时,你早已做好了准备。来自金山词霸每日一句4. I have tried to pack agooddeal into a few whave a good time:To enjoy oneself; to find pleasure in a particular situation or activity.We

9. from time to time有时,间或10. have a good / hard time过得很好/ 处境困难11. in one's spare time在业余时间12. in a short time不久13. in time及平时容易弄错的time相关的用法吧In good time 记住哦,in good time 也不是表示在好时光里而是尽快、及时,在来得及的时间内和soon表示的意思相近,都是常用的

good time 纠错英[ˈɡʊd taɪm] 美[ˈɡʊd taɪm] 合适的时机:做某事或某事发生的合适时机。· Let's wait for a good time to discuss the plan. 让我们等待一个合适have a good time的用法"Have a good time"的用法通常是作为祝福语,表示希望对方在某个活动或事件中过得愉快。例如:- Have a good time at the party tonight! - I hope yo

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